School Safety
he Ministry of Education (MOE) and schools have in place a school continuity plan to ensure the well-being of our students and staff during a haze situation. Schools are ready to respond and take appropriate haze management measures based on a set of guidelines corresponding to the health advisory.
The well-being of all students remains a key priority. Teachers will be on the lookout for students who are unwell and ensure that these students receive medical attention promptly. For students who have pre-existing heart or lung conditions, schools have a list of these students’ names and will also be monitoring their well-being.
As children respond differently to haze, parents should ensure their children have their medication, such as inhalers for asthma, with them. Parents should also take their children to seek medical attention if they are unwell and ensure that their children take their medication to school or arrange for alternative care arrangements to care for them at home.
For more information, Click Here.